Easily view parts and assemblies in 3D.
This publishing solution is designed to convert Creo files to 3D PDF files. LinkAccess Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) allows the user to see the model(s) and interact with them in a 3D space. View, pan, zoom, change presentation states, read model attributes and notes, and see semantic highlighting for individual parts and assemblies.
LinkAccess MBE Overview
LinkAccess MBE
LinkAccess MBE for PTC Windchill provides detailed, interactive access to critical information residing in Windchill. The end user does not need Windchill expertise or access to a CAD license. The end user has instant access to data and images to be used for on-going and upcoming projects. If your company is pursuing MBE initiatives then you know that publishing 3D PDFs of Creo Parts and Assemblies with rich, model-based design content is a challenge.
LinkAccess MBE allows you to easily and quickly publish rich, interactive 3D PDF MBD documentation. Our solution can be used by an end user from their desktop or it can be integrated with Windchill publishing and workflow engine.

Features of LinkAccess MBE
Adheres to the same ASME Y14.41 standard
Start Part & Template capabilities
On-the-fly desktop publishing or integrated Windchill publishing
Support for: Presentation States, Attributes and Notes, Semantic highlighting, Stamping, Mark-up, Assembly BOM, and STEP file embedding
Want to know more?
Contact us to schedule a discovery session, request pricing information, or learn more about LinkAccess MBE.