Easily share product data with LinkAccess for PTC Windchill.
Industry statistics have shown that for every individual creating product data, there are ten others who need access to that data. Dynamic processes, complex systems and enterprise software costs make it difficult for your extended team to have access to accurate information in a timely manner.
LinkAccess for PTC Windchill helps solve this problem, which will save your organization substantial time and money. Through LinkAccess Interactive and LinkAccess Trigger with simple, secure interfaces and Windchill background automation, your extended team members will not have to wait for the information they need to collaborate with others and make critical decisions.
LinkAccess Interactive
LinkAccess Interactive for PTC Windchill provides simple, secure web-based access to critical information residing in Windchill PDMLink, PDM Essentials and Pro/INTRALINK. The end user does not need Windchill expertise or access to a CAD license. The end user has instant access to data and it can be translated into the format that they need.

Features of LinkAccess Interactive
LinkAccess Trigger
LinkAccess Trigger for PTC Windchill mode automatically creates deliverables such as PDFs of CAD drawings based on events in Windchill PDMLink, PDM Essentials and Pro/INTRALINK. In addition to PDF’s LinkAccess can create other standard output types like IGES, STEP, DXF and more. LinkAccess will put the files on a network file location or back into PDMLink as secondary content.
Features of LinkAccess Trigger