For the second post in our 11g “How To” series, we’ll be sharing some installation tips for Oracle’s Site Studio.

Site Studio for External Applications allows for a Site Studio site to be delivered through an application server.  It also allows for design time activities to be done in Oracle jDeveloper.

Installing Site Studio:

There are some gaps in the documentation, so here is the process to follow:

  1. Follow the instructions in this section for getting the components enabled on the content server.
  2. Set IntradocServerPort=4444 (or the applicable port) through the Enterprise Manager

Importing RIDC extension into jDeveloper:

(Help -> Check For Updates -> Source -> Install From file)

Importing Site Studio extension into jDeveloper:

(Help -> Check For Updates -> Source -> Install From file)

Good luck and look for more “How To” posts coming soon!