Currently browsing Grab Bag

How To… Get Familiar with the System

The third part in our series will dig deeper into documentation processes for 11g. Before installing Oracle   WebCenter 11g, developers need to become familiar with the some key issues so they won’t configure themselves into a corner when creating the...

An ECM 11g 1-2 Punch

Fishbowl Solutions and Oracle Product Management will both be holding separate webinars discussing the new release of ECM Suite 11g. This Wednesday, June 23, at 12pm CDT Fishbowl will host a webinar featuring a UCM 11g Overview, information on 11g compatibility with...

Advantages and Disadvantages Between CIS, RIDC, SOAP, and WSDLs

Someone asked about RIDC vs. CIS on the intradoc_users forum and I remembered my Oracle Support article that nicely outlines the main integration points with UCM.  This is a direct copy paste for people who may not have a support login. Content Server Integration...

Idoc syntax highlighting and code complete/assist for Notepad++

Via John’s Blog as well as Kyle’s Blog on UCM we get a nice plugin for Notepad++ that does idoc syntax highlighting as well as code complete/assist (think Ctrl-Space in Eclipse or jDeveloper). This is particularly nice because it gives you one of the main...