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jQuery and UCM – Client Side Ajax UCM Interaction

The web is evolving, and users are wanting better interaction with their apps within the web browser.  This means faster site loads and action feedback to the user and not a browser loading a page. Bex recently posted about his jQuery plugin to UCM to make service...

Oracle UCM 11g is HERE – Announcements and Useful Links

Oracle Universal Content Management 11g is here! Fishbowl Solutions has been working with the 11g UCM product for several months now – as part of Oracle’s Early Adopter Program. Now that Oracle has announced and made the product available, we can share...

UCM Workflow Explained

Too many people under utilize their workflow capabilities. They create one-way dead end workflows that cannot handle exceptions (what happens if the request form is incomplete?), cannot escalate reviews if someone is out of the office (vacation,  what is that?), and...

Collaboration Success Depends on Users not Technology

The All Collaboration blog has some startling statistics from their recent survey. If you look at the chart at the right (or click the link above for the full report) you will see that the top four most important factors for effective collaboration are *not*...

The Changing Face of Enterprise Content Management

Content management systems are increasingly becoming back end “black box” content stores. This trend towards commoditization puts a decreasing importance on the system and an increasing importance on the ways in which the system capabilities are surfaced....